Introducing Bluetooth telephony support in PipeWire

PipeWire 1.4 is almost out of the door! One of the highlights of the new release — which I personally worked on and presented also recently on my FOSDEM talk — is Bluetooth telephony support.

This consists of a new D-Bus API, very similar - and mostly compatible - to the one of oFono, which is exposed by PipeWire’s BlueZ plugin when a mobile phone is paired with the Linux system that runs PipeWire. This API allows applications to make phone calls, accept or reject incoming calls, put calls on hold or join them in three-way calling setups. Practically, everything that the Bluetooth Hands-Free Profile (HFP) protocol allows you to do with a mobile phone device.

While there is no user interface for it (yet), it is straightforward to use it from the command line with tools such as busctl or qdbus. Here’s a short tutorial on how to use it:

  1. To begin with, make sure you are running PipeWire 1.3.82 or later, with the bluez plugin loaded (in WirePlumber).
  2. Pair a mobile phone with your Linux system. You may use your desktop’s UI for that, or bluetoothctl on the command line.
  3. Now, explore the API. The main object is /org/pipewire/Telephony on the org.pipewire.Telephony service: 

    > busctl --user introspect org.pipewire.Telephony /org/pipewire/Telephony
    NAME                                TYPE      SIGNATURE  RESULT/VALUE  FLAGS
    org.freedesktop.DBus.Introspectable interface -          -             -
    .Introspect                         method    -          s             -
    org.freedesktop.DBus.ObjectManager  interface -          -             -
    .GetManagedObjects                  method    -          a{oa{sa{sv}}} -
    .InterfacesAdded                    signal    oa{sa{sv}} -             -
    .InterfacesRemoved                  signal    oas        -             -
    org.ofono.Manager                   interface -          -             -
    .GetModems                          method    -          a{oa{sv}}     -
    .ModemAdded                         signal    oa{sv}     -             -
    .ModemRemoved                       signal    o          -             -
  4. You can list the available connected phones by calling GetManagedObjects (prefered) or GetModems from the oFono compatibility interface:

    > busctl --user call org.pipewire.Telephony /org/pipewire/Telephony org.freedesktop.DBus.ObjectManager GetManagedObjects
    a{oa{sa{sv}}} 1 "/org/pipewire/Telephony/ag1" 2 "org.pipewire.Telephony.AudioGateway1" 1 "Address" s "XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX" "org.pipewire.Telephony.AudioGatewayTransport1" 3 "Codec" y 0 "State" s "idle" "RejectSCO" b false
  5. And based on this output, you can now explore the object that represents the connected phone:

    > busctl --user introspect org.pipewire.Telephony /org/pipewire/Telephony/ag1
    NAME                                          TYPE      SIGNATURE  RESULT/VALUE        FLAGS
    org.freedesktop.DBus.Introspectable           interface -          -                   -
    .Introspect                                   method    -          s                   -
    org.freedesktop.DBus.ObjectManager            interface -          -                   -
    .GetManagedObjects                            method    -          a{oa{sa{sv}}}       -
    .InterfacesAdded                              signal    oa{sa{sv}} -                   -
    .InterfacesRemoved                            signal    oas        -                   -
    org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties               interface -          -                   -
    .Get                                          method    ss         v                   -
    .GetAll                                       method    s          a{sv}               -
    .Set                                          method    ssv        -                   -
    .PropertiesChanged                            signal    sa{sv}as   -                   -
    org.ofono.VoiceCallManager                    interface -          -                   -
    .CreateMultiparty                             method    -          -                   -
    .Dial                                         method    s          -                   -
    .GetCalls                                     method    -          a{oa{sv}}           -
    .HangupAll                                    method    -          -                   -
    .HoldAndAnswer                                method    -          -                   -
    .ReleaseAndAnswer                             method    -          -                   -
    .ReleaseAndSwap                               method    -          -                   -
    .SendTones                                    method    s          -                   -
    .SwapCalls                                    method    -          -                   -
    .CallAdded                                    signal    oa{sv}     -                   -
    .CallRemoved                                  signal    o          -                   -
    org.pipewire.Telephony.AudioGateway1          interface -          -                   -
    .CreateMultiparty                             method    -          -                   -
    .Dial                                         method    s          -                   -
    .HangupAll                                    method    -          -                   -
    .HoldAndAnswer                                method    -          -                   -
    .ReleaseAndAnswer                             method    -          -                   -
    .ReleaseAndSwap                               method    -          -                   -
    .SendTones                                    method    s          -                   -
    .SwapCalls                                    method    -          -                   -
    .Address                                      property  s          "XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX" const
    org.pipewire.Telephony.AudioGatewayTransport1 interface -          -                   -
    .Activate                                     method    -          -                   -
    .Codec                                        property  y          0                   emits-change
  6. Now you can start making phone calls (replace +30XXXXXXXXXX with an actual phone number):

    ❯ busctl --user call org.pipewire.Telephony /org/pipewire/Telephony/ag1 org.pipewire.Telephony.AudioGateway1 Dial s +30XXXXXXXXXX
    o "/org/pipewire/Telephony/ag1/call1"
  7. Notice that the above command returns a “call” object. When a phone call is in progress, a “call” object is always available to represent it. Let’s explore it:

    ❯ busctl --user introspect org.pipewire.Telephony /org/pipewire/Telephony/ag1/call1
    NAME                                TYPE      SIGNATURE RESULT/VALUE    FLAGS
    org.freedesktop.DBus.Introspectable interface -         -               -
    .Introspect                         method    -         s               -
    org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties     interface -         -               -
    .Get                                method    ss        v               -
    .GetAll                             method    s         a{sv}           -
    .Set                                method    ssv       -               -
    .PropertiesChanged                  signal    sa{sv}as  -               -
    org.ofono.VoiceCall                 interface -         -               -
    .Answer                             method    -         -               -
    .GetProperties                      method    -         a{sv}           -
    .Hangup                             method    -         -               -
    .PropertyChanged                    signal    sv        -               -
    org.pipewire.Telephony.Call1        interface -         -               -
    .Answer                             method    -         -               -
    .Hangup                             method    -         -               -
    .IncomingLine                       property  s         ""              emits-change
    .LineIdentification                 property  s         "+30XXXXXXXXXX" emits-change
    .Multiparty                         property  b         false           emits-change
    .Name                               property  s         ""              emits-change
    .State                              property  s         "alerting"      emits-change
  8. Finally, you may hang up the call like this:

    ❯ busctl --user call org.pipewire.Telephony /org/pipewire/Telephony/ag1/call1 org.pipewire.Telephony.Call1 Hangup

And that’s it!

You can read more about how to use the API in the README.Telephony file in the PipeWire repository.

Have fun calling! 📞